Friday the 13th is now our lucky day. We were saddened when Shuttleguy pulled the plug on helping with our Border Raid this year, but I have good news...... We have a new Sherpa Service for 2009 and we are very excited about it.
Padre's Cycle Inn
Phone: 573-721-4400
Padre's Cycle Inn LLC
PO Box 104
Mexico, MO 65265
We are sure that they will pick up where Shuttleguy left off...... So sign up for the Border Raid and then contact Padre if you have a mind too......
The overnight stays for 2009 are arranged and I tried to get us back into Nebraska City, but school construction is preventing that. We may have some other school construction issues in the near future.... No matter, Syracuse Nebraska is a wonderful town and great hosts. We tried to tell them what a town full of hot sweaty hungry cyclists would be like, but it is just something they had to experience to understand.....
We are still getting a steady stream of riders and from all over the place...... I can't wait to get back together with old friends and the new ones I am going to make this year. We even got an email from Sue (Oregon) while she was in Australia? letting us know as soon as she gets closer she will be back with us in 09.... I hope she had a great time there and will get back here safe and sound.
It will be Spring soon I hope. At least I hope the temperature will feel like it. I have ridden a couple of times on the few nice days we had, but long for a full week of bicycle fun..... Keep the rubber side down and get out and ride. See you again soon.
Friday, March 13, 2009
March 13, 2009 Friday