Sunday, April 27, 2008

Hamburg Hotels Booked Solid

It looks like the Border Raiders aren't the only group inundating the town of Hamburg this year because their hotels are booked solid already. If you plan on "hoteling it" for the week and haven't made arrangements in Hamburg, we have reserved a block of rooms at the Super 8 Hotel (712-382-2828) in Percival, IA and have arranged for transportation to take cyclists to the hotel in and then back to Hamburg in the morning to begin the ride.

Holler at Paul ( if you have any questions.

UPDATE: Change of Overnight Town

We have happily camped in the beautiful town of Nebraska City, NE for the past three years, but will be changing things up a bit this year.

The good people of Nebraska City, NE have passed a bond issue to work on the schools for the next two years, so we have altered the route and will be heading 12 miles west to Syracuse, NE on Monday, June 23.

We do not have a means of transporting luggage to the Nebraska City hotels at this time, so for those of you who have made arrangements to stay in a Nebraska City hotel, we ask that you change your reservation to the Syracuse Sleep Inn and Suites - 402-269-2700. We have reserved a block of rooms for our riders, and when you mention the Border Raiders Bicycle tour you will receive a discounted rate on your room.

We apologize for any inconveniences these new arrangements may have caused, and while we're sad to be leaving Nebraska City, we're excited to see what Syracuse has to offer!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

2008 Border Raiders Jersey Design -- UPDATED

UPDATED Front (with city names):


Well, I think it's done! My apologies for the delay on getting this out to you guys to check out. I hope you enjoy it!